Make Your Business Uniquely Irresistible so You Can Make Money with Digital Products While You Sleep

Last night I was just about to set my phone down and close my eyes when suddenly it went “Cha-Ching” like an old cash-register, and I got so excited! My phone makes that sound each time an order is placed in my Etsy shop, so obviously it wasn’t time to sleep. It was time to get online and check out what was happening in my shop! To my startled surprise, I had just sold one of my digital products! Talk about timing! After all, today I want to talk to you about digital products and selling them while you sleep.

The Best Day Ever

Most of you already know my story, so you know that life is a blur right now. Nothing is easy, time doesn’t exist, and we are on one crazy roller-coaster ride trying to keep our heads above water. Originally, when I opened my business, I wanted to focus on custom wedding stationary and decor. Well, I’ve booked one wedding in one year, and it was my cousin. Outside of that amazing opportunity to create all her stationary, programs, welcome bags, guestbook, tablecloth, and signs, I’ve had a lot of interest in my enormous glitter banners and my Trophy Wife t-shirts. In addition to those products, I’ve started developing some new products that are slowly gaining in popularity: printable unplugged wedding signs, printable social media hashtag signs, and some printable wedding invitation suites.

Unplugged_Wedding_Frame2 Flower_Wreath_Invite_1_MU1 Customizable_SocialMedia_Frame2

So why the shift between custom wedding stationary and decor to printable stationary and decor? Well,because digital products are selling right now. Everyone wants what they want, when they want it. They want the instant gratification that comes with the ability to download a digital product as soon as they make the purchase. People want to go shopping in their pajamas and get the product before they head to bed. And moreover, people want to pay less for products that rock!

People want to go shopping in their pajamas and get the product before they head to bed.

Adding digital products to my business has already begun to make a difference in my business success. I’ve had bunches of people liking my shop and favoriting my printable products. It’s gotten more eyes on my small business. However, they aren’t selling! I know these products are great or people wouldn’t be taking the time to check them out, to favorite them, to like them on Facebook, or to heart them on Instagram, but what am I doing wrong? They just aren’t selling like I want them to, and they aren’t making me the money I need to to fill in the gaps between the full on custom wedding design that I do. I’d say I need to adjust my strategy!

So what do I do when I need to adjust my strategy?
I turn to some amazing entrepreneurs and their expertise, that’s what!

In this case, I’m turning to April Bowles-Olin, whom I just adore. Why you ask? For two reasons:

  1. April is successful at selling digital products (I’ve bought some of them!)
  2. April is going to be at CreativeLive teaching two classes in November! One is Create Digital Products that Sell While You Sleep and the other is Make Your Creative Business Uniquely Irresistible.

I could not be any more excited! This woman knows what she is talking about. I just know that with her help, I am about to take Pretty Much to all new heights. Get ready because great new things are coming soon. I’ve already RSVP’d, cleared my schedule, and set my reminders because when April teaches, you have to listen. When you have an opportunity to learn from April, you take it!

In April’s class I am hoping to learn several great things, but I really hope to learn about better copy-writing and better marketing for my products. I want to find out what would take my products from good to great. Where could I make some changes in order to get better results? April talks about digital products making it possible to target more markets, help us make more money without working longer hours and price our handmade products higher. I want to learn everything I can about all of this, so that digital products can help me on my way to success and freedom.

Are you ready to make your creative work more lucrative, stable, and sustainable in the long-term? Join April Bowles-Olin for an introduction to digital products and how they can enhance your creative business. This course will show you how to produce and position viable products for generating multiple revenue streams and passive income. RSVP right here to watch it live and get access to the workbook for FREE. This post is part of the Create Digital Products blog tour.


So, are you in? I sure hope so! I cannot wait for this class because I just know it’s going to be worth every second. If you are interested, you can check out April’s blog at Even better, you can follow along on our blog tour too!

Hope to see you in the course chat-room on November 10-12th!

Mondays are Magical : Stationary Collections & New Wedding Sationary Designs

As I work hard to develop a brand that catches the eye of newly engaged women, I’ve been brainstorming ideas that would step up my game. I recently had a gorgeous lady get in touch with me about a custom wedding invitation suite, and I’m really excited to work on these invitations for her. As we finished the conversation she briefly made mention that she would also like me to help design her bridal shower invitations and decorations. I could barely contain my high pitched squeals until I got off the phone!

Ladies and Gentlemen, she wants pink and gold!

All of a sudden it occurred to me that this would be the perfect start to a new ambition: Pretty Much collections! Yup, it’s happening. Each collection will be named after an amazing woman in my life and be designed with her in mind. I have two collections in the works right now that I am so very very excited about. Each collection will include stationary, decorations, t-shirts/sweatshirts, tote bags, and other wedding day awesomeness. Once everything is created, I’ll be doing photo-shoots and putting it all up on both the website and in the etsy shop.  I. CAN. NOT. WAIT!

In the meantime, I’ve developed a few adorable stationary suites. I wanted to share some of these with you all. They are up in my shop, so if you are interested, head over and swoop them up…

Oh Deer! Whimsical Bridal Shower Invitation Customizable with your wedding colors!

Polygon Colorful Confetti Wedding Invitation Suite

Floral Wreath Wedding Invitation Suite

Each of these are fully customizable with your wedding colors. The wording can be altered as well. If you are interested in any of these wedding stationary suites or in the bridal shower invitation, please head to my Etsy shop or get in touch through social media. These are available in printable versions as well as professionally printed versions.

I’m also available for completely custom designs. I’m able to print, letterpress, foil, emboss, or laser-cut any custom order for you.

So, what do you think? Are you as excited as I am to see these new collections? What do you think of these new wedding stationary designs? Do you love them?! Let me know in the comments section. Then come back tomorrow for some great information about the lovely April Bowles-Olin and her amazing upcoming course on Creative Live. This is another thing I just cannot wait to participate in!

Love you all!