Make Your Business Uniquely Irresistible so You Can Make Money with Digital Products While You Sleep

Last night I was just about to set my phone down and close my eyes when suddenly it went “Cha-Ching” like an old cash-register, and I got so excited! My phone makes that sound each time an order is placed in my Etsy shop, so obviously it wasn’t time to sleep. It was time to get online and check out what was happening in my shop! To my startled surprise, I had just sold one of my digital products! Talk about timing! After all, today I want to talk to you about digital products and selling them while you sleep.

The Best Day Ever

Most of you already know my story, so you know that life is a blur right now. Nothing is easy, time doesn’t exist, and we are on one crazy roller-coaster ride trying to keep our heads above water. Originally, when I opened my business, I wanted to focus on custom wedding stationary and decor. Well, I’ve booked one wedding in one year, and it was my cousin. Outside of that amazing opportunity to create all her stationary, programs, welcome bags, guestbook, tablecloth, and signs, I’ve had a lot of interest in my enormous glitter banners and my Trophy Wife t-shirts. In addition to those products, I’ve started developing some new products that are slowly gaining in popularity: printable unplugged wedding signs, printable social media hashtag signs, and some printable wedding invitation suites.

Unplugged_Wedding_Frame2 Flower_Wreath_Invite_1_MU1 Customizable_SocialMedia_Frame2

So why the shift between custom wedding stationary and decor to printable stationary and decor? Well,because digital products are selling right now. Everyone wants what they want, when they want it. They want the instant gratification that comes with the ability to download a digital product as soon as they make the purchase. People want to go shopping in their pajamas and get the product before they head to bed. And moreover, people want to pay less for products that rock!

People want to go shopping in their pajamas and get the product before they head to bed.

Adding digital products to my business has already begun to make a difference in my business success. I’ve had bunches of people liking my shop and favoriting my printable products. It’s gotten more eyes on my small business. However, they aren’t selling! I know these products are great or people wouldn’t be taking the time to check them out, to favorite them, to like them on Facebook, or to heart them on Instagram, but what am I doing wrong? They just aren’t selling like I want them to, and they aren’t making me the money I need to to fill in the gaps between the full on custom wedding design that I do. I’d say I need to adjust my strategy!

So what do I do when I need to adjust my strategy?
I turn to some amazing entrepreneurs and their expertise, that’s what!

In this case, I’m turning to April Bowles-Olin, whom I just adore. Why you ask? For two reasons:

  1. April is successful at selling digital products (I’ve bought some of them!)
  2. April is going to be at CreativeLive teaching two classes in November! One is Create Digital Products that Sell While You Sleep and the other is Make Your Creative Business Uniquely Irresistible.

I could not be any more excited! This woman knows what she is talking about. I just know that with her help, I am about to take Pretty Much to all new heights. Get ready because great new things are coming soon. I’ve already RSVP’d, cleared my schedule, and set my reminders because when April teaches, you have to listen. When you have an opportunity to learn from April, you take it!

In April’s class I am hoping to learn several great things, but I really hope to learn about better copy-writing and better marketing for my products. I want to find out what would take my products from good to great. Where could I make some changes in order to get better results? April talks about digital products making it possible to target more markets, help us make more money without working longer hours and price our handmade products higher. I want to learn everything I can about all of this, so that digital products can help me on my way to success and freedom.

Are you ready to make your creative work more lucrative, stable, and sustainable in the long-term? Join April Bowles-Olin for an introduction to digital products and how they can enhance your creative business. This course will show you how to produce and position viable products for generating multiple revenue streams and passive income. RSVP right here to watch it live and get access to the workbook for FREE. This post is part of the Create Digital Products blog tour.


So, are you in? I sure hope so! I cannot wait for this class because I just know it’s going to be worth every second. If you are interested, you can check out April’s blog at Even better, you can follow along on our blog tour too!

Hope to see you in the course chat-room on November 10-12th!

College is a Waste of Time – Spoken by a Lifelong Learner

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” – Jim Rohn
I’m nearly 30 years old, and for most of my life I have been in school. As a little one, I was in preschool for two years before kindergarten.After I graduated from high school, I’ve managed to sprinkle in 16 semesters of college education. If you know much about college, you know that equals 8 years of college and well over the amount of credits one needs to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree, however, transferring schools and transferring programs means that I’m still an undergraduate. With that being said, I have instructors that are younger than me! It’s crazy, but that’s not the problem I have with them. The problem I have with college instructors can best be summed up by a recent quote from one of them:

“I should point out that for Explorations, the highest achievable grade is B+, as there isn’t the scope in those assignments to exceed the requirements for assessment in each case.” – Instructor

In that class we have an exploration assignment due each week, a midterm, and a final. Can you see a flaw in the grading structure here? If I get a B+ on every weekly assignment, that gives me a “perfect” grade for that part of the course, but it’s still only a B+! Perhaps this quote from another instructor would be a better representation of the decline in education:

“I’m not here to teach you. I’m here to grade your work. I give you an assignment and it is your responsibility to figure our what you need to learn in order to complete the assignment. Then it is up to you to learn it, complete the assignment, and turn it in on time.” -Instructor

I don’t think it would be so hard, if the assignments actually had detailed instructions, if the instructor made it clear what he expected, or if when we received a poor grade on an assignment, he told us why.

In my English class we have three papers to write for the entire semester. The grade we receive on the ROUGH DRAFT – which is graded as if it is a final draft – has just as much weight on our final semester grade as does the final paper. We turned in our rough draft, and the final was due two weeks later. The day the final was due, the instructor finally gave us back our rough drafts and extended the final deadline by ONE DAY!

I struggle each day to decide what to do for my business. I struggle to prioritize my life because I still want to do pretty much everything. In addition to being a full-time student, I am also a full-time wife and a full-time business owner. Currently, I am dealing with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) which is a form of orthostatic intolerance that is associated with the presence of excessive tachycardia on standing. Many POTS patients experience low blood pressure on standing, fatigue, headaches, lightheadedness, heart palpitations, exercise intolerance, nausea, diminished concentration, tremulousness (shaking), syncope (fainting), coldness or pain in the extremities, chest pain and shortness of breath. If that wasn’t enough, I’m also recovering from a brain surgery in March which effected my balance as well as my ability to do normal every day tasks. The hardest part of this recovery was learning to walk again. We wouldn’t want to leave out the fact that I have extreme back difficulties for a 29 year old woman. For this, I go to 1.5 hours of therapy 4 times a week. So, as you can tell, I’m a very busy lady.

The truth of the matter is being this busy is not working for me. It is far too stressful, and we all know that when you are trying to regain your health, extreme stress is not going to help. We can’t always dictate what our health will do. Sure, we can eat healthy, exercise, and take care of ourselves, but sometimes or bodies just do their own thing. the best thing we can do about it though is keep working to make it better, continue going to therapy, eating right, exercising, and treating our bodies well, so for obvious reasons I can’t get rid of that from my life right now.

Another area of life that requires attention is the fact that I am a full-time wife. Relationships require work and love in order to grow. It’s important for me to spend time nurturing my marriage and spending time with my husband. He deserves that! Part of this nurturing requires that I put in just as much effort around our house as he does. It’s not fair to expect him to mow the yard, do the dishes, clean the clothes, vacuum the floors, take care of the dogs, take out the trash, and cook the meals. We are partners and therefor we work together to keep the relationship and our home maintained. I can’t alleviate this from my life either.

Last week my husband and I talked about my business. We discussed what our life goals were and what needed to happen to accomplish those goals. For us, Pretty Much is one of the most important pieces of my life right now. It is the one piece that makes the most sense and makes me the most happy.Despite the business taking a lot of love, dedication, time, and work, it seems to be a stress reliever more than a stress creator. Owning and operating Pretty Much keeps me sane and makes me feel good. It’s such an important part of my life, and of our future that I would be crazy to cut it out of my life right now.

This brings us back to the talk of school. I’m supposed to devote 10 hours a week per class. That’s 40 hours a week devoted to school. Normally, I wouldn’t have a problem with this expectation, however, that number doesn’t even come close to the amount of work that I have to put in. Last week I was required to create a 108 page document for one class in one week. It took me 20 hours just to work on that class, and I still had three other classes to work on. Did I learn anything from creating that document? nope! That’s when I realized that school is taking up way too much of my time and not giving me anything back. I’m not really learning anything, and it causes way too much stress. It needs to go.

So for me, I’ve decided that right now in life, college is a waste of my time. I’ve decided that this will be my last semester for a while. The crazy thing is that several of my classmates have actually said the same thing. At least I don’t feel so bad.

The great news is that this means tons more time to focus on Pretty Much! Hooray! I’m so excited because that means that I am about to have a ton of time to make pretty things! I’m about to have time to blog, create pre-made party details, develop some new stationary collections, and even start making some videos. I cannot wait for this new era to begin with Pretty Much. On Tuesday, I’ll be sharing a bit more about upcoming plans, so come back and find out more!


What’s in a Business Name – Why Pretty Much Rocks

“When you find an idea that you just can’t stop thinking about, that’s probably a good one to pursue.” —Josh James, Omniture CEO and co-founderLong before I opened my business, I knew I wanted to own a business in which I created beautiful things. I’m such a collector of skills and a lifelong learner that it was hard for me to figure out exactly what I wanted to do with my business. I enjoy making things, crafting, designing, photographing, and so much more. How on earth could I possibly narrow it down?

Whenever I would talk about it with my husband, I found myself telling him that I wanted to do Pretty Much everything. Then one day, it struck me – why not call my business Pretty Much? Then, I could do pretty much everything! So, about 3 years before I ever opened my business, I knew exactly what I wanted to call it. I liked the way I could play with the name. I could create Pretty this or Pretty that. When somebody asked me what I did, I could tell them Pretty Much everything. The more I said the name out loud, the more it felt right. Pretty Much always seems like an answer to a question, too! I find myself using the phrase all the time. Why wouldn’t I name my business Pretty Much?

As time continued by, I started to wonder if it would ever be THE TIME. You know, the right time to stop everything in my life and open a business. I started to get discouraged because life just kept on happening and more times than not, I found myself carried on in other directions. I was always too busy, too tired, too involved to worry about setting up a business. but then, in September 2013 something happened. The world stopped spinning around in crazy wild busy circles. I stopped, took a few breaths, and sat down on the couch to rest. This literally happened, and in a way it also figuratively happened.

In September 2013 my life changed in many ways. I got sick, went to the doctor, and got told to stop going to work. It was time to sit still, time to meditate, to think, and to dream. I couldn’t go to work, and I could barely do much of anything, but I could sit and dream. That’s exactly what I did. I dreamed about what I wanted to do. I pretty much just wanted to craft and create. I pretty much just wanted to stop working my life away at a job I hated. I pretty much just wanted to make pretty things, make people happy, and make my life more enjoyable. I decided to plan it all out. I had the time now, why not get started.

On January 1st, Pretty Much was officially born and open for business. Pretty Much became real, and I was pretty much ecstatic. 9 months later, my baby is still growing. It’s still morphing into the business that I want it to be. Each day I make conscience decisions to make the business better than it was the day before. Pretty Much is a work in progress as most small businesses pretty much always are, and I wouldn’t trade that for the world.

Three years before I opened my business I knew I wanted to do pretty much everything I could do. As I know that is not a very specific business identity, I narrowed that down. What makes me happy in life is celebrating. I am happiest when I am celebrating life, celebrating accomplishments, people, friendships, holidays, and most of all love. I decided that when it comes to celebrating, that’s where I wanted to focus my time and energy. So when those doors opened, Pretty Much was a business based on celebrating. I am focused on celebrating pretty much all of life’s wonderful moments and creating pretty much anything and everything to make it easier for people to celebrate those wonderful moments. Pretty Much rocks because it is a business all about celebrating, throwing confetti, happy dancing, and being lovely. It is pretty much the best business that I could possibly own!

Cover your bases, Cover your assets, Cover your ass. Small Business Bodyguard

Everything Small Business Owners Need to Know About the Legal Stuff

Cover your bases, Cover your assets, Cover your ass. Small Business Bodyguard

Is your blog legal? Is your small business legal? Is your online business legal?
Guess what bloggers? You have to pay taxes too. Calling all bloggers and small biz owners – don’t do business without reading this first. (IMPORTANT.) Everything an online biz owner needs to know about THE LEGAL STUFF.

I’ve had a lot of questions lately about my terms & conditions, my privacy policy, and my disclaimers. I’ve also had a few questions about my contracts. Yeah, I know they are pretty great, and no, I didn’t hire an expensive lawyer in a fancy suit. Since opening my business it’s been really important to me that I cover my ass. In fact, one reason it took me so long to open my doors is because I was scared shitless that I was going to do the wrong thing and get into a legal battle. Being a business owner carries with it a lot of responsibility, and with that responsibility comes a lot of stress.

Thankfully, I don’t have to stress too much, because I found an amazing resource to help me with all the legal stuff of running a business. This resource is a legal reference tool and probably the greatest investment I have made in my business. The best part is that this non-negotiable business expense is one that I can write-off! In the long run, Small Business Bodyguard is saving me money, stress & anxiety. I know that if I do business with a bad client and don’t have a contract, there is always that chance that I might not get paid, or if someone doesn’t like the way I do business and tries to sue me over it, I am covered because I do business the right way and the smart way.

The TMFproject If you are not familiar, then you need to get familiar right now!) edited & wrote this resource it in its entirety, with the goal of making it USER FRIENDLY, EASY TO DIGEST, AND EVEN AN ENJOYABLE READ. I read it start to finish over the course of about a week, and the whole time I was laughing and smiling and actually enjoying it. It wasn’t just some intimidating, bland, jargoney resource. It’s written for the average small business owner & blogger. People like you and me! Seriously! On top of that, this arsenal was lawyer-drafted and peer reviewed. Seriously!

So what am I trying to tell you? Well, take the time to cover your ass now, so you can do business like a responsible adult. If I had paid a lawyer to draft the contracts & agreements that are included in Small Business Bodyguard, it would have cost me over $5,000 alone. During the affiliate push week, the additional $3,000 in bonus contracts & templates makes this an $8,000 value. Now, compare that to the cost of $275 for Small Business Bodyguard, and it’s an obvious no brainer.

Did you see that little bitty price tag compared to the enormous value The Small Business Bodyguard contains? It’s a no-brainer. Remember this: If you own a business, you are legally responsible for it. Getting your business ducks in a row is a non-negotiable business expense. You MUST do it one way or another or your ass won’t be covered when somebody tries to steal your work, sue you, or not pay you.

Again, I can’t stress this enough, you need this resource. I use it every single day that I am in business whether it be here on my blog, over on my website, as a seller on Etsy, and in each contract I sign with a client.

At a minimum, you should at least get your hands on the FREE smart, simple, and surefire steps checklist to becoming legally legit. Yes, I said FREE! You can do that by clicking right here!

Do you still have questions in regards to what exactly this resource is? Fear not, check it out here.Need some more testimonials from business owners that use the Small Business Bodyguard? Check out tons of testimonials by clicking here. I seriously cannot say enough about this great resource, and I abslolutely think you need to check it out.

Small Business Bodyguard
FREE smart, simple, and surefire steps checklist.

With that, I leave you to have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy it!


This post includes affiliate links, however, I only link to products I personally have used and love.

28 Days of Adding Happiness – 28 Ways to Bring Happiness to Others

DeathtoStock_Spring7As I read Sarah’s post yesterday, I was so touched by her honesty. She is so right about our purpose here to love each other. If we are all honest, isn’t it really the relationships that we have that are what make life worth living? Its the people that we love and the people that love us that make each day worthwhile and that make our lives complete.

Lately, I’ve been feeling that stretch she talked about. In a year’s time I’ve gone through two huge yet rare medical diagnoses, a major life changing surgery, losing my job due to disability, my husband getting laid off a week after my surgery, learning to walk again, opening a business, going to school full time, and testing our vows in our first year of marriage. Every day I go to bed exhausted! I go to bed wondering how I’m ever going to get up the next morning and face the world again. But, each day I wake up next to my best friend, and I know that no matter what, he is going to love me, and no matter what, I am going to love him!

That relationship is what makes life worth living. It’s what brings a smile to my face throughout each day. Most of all, it’s the thing that life is beautiful, and crazy, and wild, and fun, and adventuresome, and perfect in its imperfections!

Sarah’s post yesterday leads right into what I wanted to share with you today. Other people can be a huge part of our lives, yet we don’t always show them how much they mean to us. It’s important to show people, whether they are our spouse or the stranger that took our order at the ice-cream shop, that they are important to us. Who knows, you might be the only person that shows them a smile today or the only person that thanks them for working so hard.

I’ve compiled a list of 28 awesome ways to show some appreciateion to others and give them a reason to smile. Today is about not being happy yourself, but about spreading that happiness out and sharing it with others. Today is about adding happiness to our life by adding happiness to the lives of people who matter. So, here you go, 28 ways to show some love:

  1. Call a family member.
  2. Compliment a stranger.
  3. send a handwritten note.
  4. Ask people for their opinion. It will make them feel valuable!
  5. Leave a positive comment for management about a hard worker that you noticed.
  6. Bring a treat to work to share with your coworkers.
  7. Leave flowers on a neighbor’s front porch.
  8. Give out a hug!
  9. Send a text to let someone know you are thinking of them.
  10. Send flowers to you mom for no reason.
  11. When somebody helps you, thank them, and use the name on their name tag.
  12. Leave some change at the vending machine.
  13. Sing and dance in the car at a stoplight. Instead of stopping when somebody looks at you, look them in the eye, smile, and keep on singing!
  14. Leave a note for your loved one where they will find it later.
  15. Walk an elderly neighbor’s pet for them.
  16. Buy an extra newspaper at the dispenser machine and leave one for the next person.
  17. Tie some balloons to the playground equipment at a local park.
  18. Donate to a local food pantry.
  19. Drop some quarters where a child might find them.
  20. Send your pastor or church leader a card.
  21. Tip your grocery bagger.
  22. Help a mother by taking her cart back to the cart corral.
  23. Leave a note on a public bathroom mirror.
  24. Write “thank you” on your restaurant receipt and leave it for the waiter or waitress.
  25. Leave one of these for someone.
  26. Hand out these to someone.
  27. If you and your spouse or your roommate have designated chores, go ahead and do theirs without telling them. When they realize what you’ve done, it will make their day!
  28. Go ahead and hold hands! It reminds people that you need them!

I agree with Sarah that this experience of blogging back and forth with Sarah and sharing all of this happiness with each of you has been such an awesome experience. It has been both challenging and rewarding. This series has made me realize some wonderful things, and I’m having so much fun. I hope each of you reading our posts is loving the series just as Sarah and I are loving the experience of sharing each post. Stop in at With Love Paper Goods tomorrow for Sarah’s new post, and don’t forget to come back here on Friday for some great linkups around the web! I can’t wait to share some pretty things I’ve found with you all!

Monday’s Are Magical

Mondays are MagicalIt’s been a few weeks since I posted up a Monday’s are Magical post. I really had intended to put one out soon, but sometimes when life is good, you just have to spend your time soaking it up!

The last couple weeks have been pretty magical in general. I’ve found new sources for canvas tote bags, and the new bags are even stronger and more durable than the last bags, plus they are white, and the straps are longer. They hang so nicely! They are really taking the glitter well, and they look so sharp! Here is a sample tote I created out of pure excitement:

Love Tote With the new glitter and foil coming in, I was inspired to create some t-shirts. At first I started with a prototype using a t-shirt I had in my closet. Unfortunately, I don’t think Old Navy would appreciate me selling their shirts, so when I discovered how many people loved the prototype, I ended up sourcing t-shirts for the shop. The initial response was so overwhelming, that I was able to offer a discount for the entire group! That’s pretty fantastic! The shirts will be in this week so that I can begin working on the orders, but in the meantime, here I am in the prototype:

Trophy Wife T-shirtThings just keep getting better and better. I’ve had a ton of inquiries in the Etsy shop, and just last night, I got a really big surprise. I’m not an INTERNATIONAL seller having made my first sale to a sweet lady in Australia last night. Apparently, I’m kind of a big deal! I could not be more excited about that! I practically had to pinch myself because some days it’s hard to believe that this is real life and that I left my 9-5 for this amazing life!

As you may have read yesterday, I just announced a new project collaboration with a Sweet lady named Sarah who lives in the Nashville area. Her adorable shop, With Love Paper Goods, is so much fun! The two of us will be teaming up to bring you 28 Days of Adding Happiness, because everyone knows we can always choose to be even happier than we are. It’s a project that is so dear to my heart, and I can’t wait to start sharing the series with you next week!

28 Days of Adding HappinessOf course, I am still working with Josephine over at Courage & Dash as a guest blogger. The latest DIY will be up really soon. It’s a fun one, so you will have to head over to her blog because you won’t want to miss it!

Lastly (is that a word?), I am really looking forward to Friday night. While the rest of you are sleeping in your beds, I’ll be flying above your heads on my way to Florida. The Mr and I are taking another trip to Walt Disney World. This year we have a lot to celebrate: 1) Our One Year Anniversary, 2)The success of Pretty Much as well as the new beginnings we have both started between school and work. and finally, 3) Over a year has gone by since my symptoms began, and now, although I still have a lot of trouble walking, driving, and generally doing everyday things, I’m on the mend and feel like life is finally getting back to normal, so we will be celebrating progress. His cousin, Krista, who was also one of my bridesmaids, is coming too. I cannot wait to celebrate with her over her first Disney trip. It’s always such a fun experience to be with somebody for their first time there!

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful week! All my love!



28 Days of Adding Happiness

28 Days of Adding Happiness

Some days it seems as though people believe that happiness is a lofty goal. We rush through life chasing a dream of happiness saying things like, “I’ll be happy when I get that new car.” or “I’ll be happy when I take that vacation,” but as soon as we reach one goal or can afford a special treat, we barely stop to enjoy it before we are off running after the next thing that will be sure to bring us happiness.

About a month ago, Sarah, from With Love Paper Goods approached me about doing a blog series with her to promote happiness. I was on-board immediately, but as we talked about our ideas, I became even more excited. With all the amazing things going on in this world, we somehow forget to make time to be happy. Sadly anymore, it seems like we almost have to pull out our day planner and pencil it in: “5:30 PM be happy.” Well, we are hoping that with this blog series, we will be able to remind you that it’s the little things in life that make up the big happiness picture. You don’t have to pencil happiness into your date book, you simply have to realize what makes you happy.

28 Days of Adding Happiness will be a blog series with a little twist. Sarah and I will be taking turns each day posting up some really lovely things: DIYs, recipes, links, printables, and lots more. I really can’t wait! All of this fun will start a week from today on Sunday, august 17th over on Sarah’s blog. Each day after that, for 28 days, we will share some pretty wonderful things with you. I hope you’re on board because this is going to be so much fun!

Coming up: Meet Sarah this Thursday, when I interview her here on the blog!

A Huge Announcement: Guest Blogging!

Last week I told you all on the twitter and facebook feeds that I would be making a huge announcement this week. It has been killing me to keep this huge secret for nearly a month! Finally though, I can spill the beans. (Who came up with that saying, anyhow? I think it sounds kind of silly!) The lovely Josephine Mills from Courage & Dash got in touch and has asked me to be a regular guest DIY blogger for her beautiful London-based blog!!!! <———This deserves about a million exclamation points!  I know, I’m just as stunned and excited as all of you probably are. This is such a huge honor!

Yesterday, my first post went live. It was a super fun and super easy DIY. Do you remember those adorable totes I put up in the shop on Sunday night? Well, now if you feel up to it, you can make them yourself! I know, I know, Pretty Much amazing!

Market or Wedding Day Tote

I highly suggest that you head on over to the Courage & Dash blog, and check out, not only this easy little DIY, but also the rest of Josephine’s blog because I really think you are going to adore it! Going into the weekend, be safe and have fun!

If you wish to download the templates I have created, please click on them below:

Book Worm, Market Fresh, Mrs, Oh, so Pretty, The Best Day Ever



New Beginnings, Starting a Business, and Setting Goals

A blank screen and a blinking cursor – Yikes! I started my business back in December, but I’ve put off the obligatory first post for the blog simply because it overwhelmed me. Starting a business is easy, but blogging your thoughts is really scary! I fought with myself over what exactly the perfect content was for an initial post. I have so much to share with the world that I just could not decide where to start. I want to introduce myself, explain the roller-coaster year that ultimately led to me becoming a small business owner, and of course talk about all my goals of last year while listing my excuses for not completing more than few of them! The cursor kept blinking and the blank page stared back at me!

Forward to this morning. I woke up, showered, decided there was no time like the present to begin a new practice of oil pulling, threw on some clean pajamas, and sat down at my computer. All current projects could wait; I just had to write that first blog post. I had to begin today or I would continue to put it off everyday until the point of having a blog was completely lost and my enthusiasm for new beginnings went out the door with it! I sat down, took a deep breath, and then took several more. My mind was blank. I took another deep breath and placed my fingers on the keyboard. Nothing came to me. I decided that eating a cookie (a home-baked snickerdoodle of course!) was the missing piece to the puzzle that once complete would picture me, a complete success, jumping up and down as glitter fell around me. The outcome wasn’t quite that dramatic, but while eating that hard-as-a-rock-because-I-got-distracted-and-left-it-in-the-oven-for-a-half-hour cookie, it occurred to me in the most cliche fashion that perfection was over rated, and if the story of my morning was good enough to make me chuckle, it was good enough for my first blog post.

So what can you expect when reading the Pretty Much blog? Oh…pretty much anything! There will be posts about new beginnings, starting a business, and setting goals. There will be posts with pretty pictures, some creative ideas, and lots of glitter could be involved as well! Pretty Much is a design studio based in Utah, and I, Renay, am the Art Director. I create small business branding packages with logos, color schemes, stationary, etc. I create gorgeous party decorations, event themes, and wedding packages. Lastly, I am the creator of the Pretty Much Pretty Busy calendars, planners, and organization tools. You can find me on my personal Pinterest page, the Pretty Much website, the Pretty Much facebook page, the Pretty Much Pinterest page, the Pretty Much Etsy shop, and the Pretty Much Twitter page @HelloPrettyMuch.

Please do stop in to say hi! Comment as much as you can or want. I do my best to respond to all of my followers. Let’s have fun! Come back often for new blog posts. I’ll be starting a blog schedule soon to include featured posts. You will not want to miss all the great things in store for 2014. Oh, and don’t worry, glitter will be involved!